
Do you know why I,
Viktor Taransky,

two-time Academy Award-
nominated director--

That was
'Short Subject.'

--overseeing the most
cherished movie project

of my entire career, am walking
around with-- look, look...

pockets full
of these things?

- I have a feeling you'll tell me.
- I'm going to tell you.

Because Ms Nicola Anders--
supermodel with a SAG card--
has it written in her contract

that all cherry 'Mike 'n' Ike's'
be removed from her candy dish,

along with strict instructions
that any room she walks into

must have seven packs
of cigarettes waiting for her--

three of them opened;
that there be a personal Jacuzzi

within 80 paces
of her dressing room;

and any time she travels, her nanny
must fly with her first-class.

So, what's wrong
with that?

Elaine, she doesn't
have children.

Don't you see?
They're mocking us.

We're at their mercy.
What happened?

We always had movie stars, but
they used to be our stars, remember?

We were the ones that would
tell them what to do.

We would tell them
what to wear,

- who to date--
- That's what you want?

When they were under contract to us,
we could change their names at will.

- Yeah-- more than once.
- Viktor, do you realise

you're nostalgic for an era
you weren't even born in?

I do remember why I got
into this business.

- You seem to have forgotten.
- Oh, please. Come on.

New York-- Cassavetes.

- Here we go.
- What were we doing?

We were trying to make something
important. I don't know.

- Shine a light in that darkened cinema.
- It's called a projector.

Illuminate hearts and minds
with a ray of truth.

- Okay.
- I thought that's what we were doing.

I have good memories
of those days, too.

I do, but this isn't about that--
or you, or me,

or some high-minded ideal.
This is business.

- Spare me.
- Look around.

Who do you think
pays for all of this?

This is about
investment and return.

I'm not interested
in investment and return!

I'm not interested in who pays for
anything! I'm trying to make a movie!

I'm responsible
for this, Viktor.

Those days
in New York--

it's over, Viktor.
