Serving Sara

I assure you, sir,
that's impossible.

Oh, really?
If it's impossible,
then how come

he dealt himself a perfect...
Sir, why don't you
step this way?

We'll sort this out.
Don't you know who I am?
No, I don't know who you are.
Okay, well, why don't you find
somebody who does?

All right, Zorro?
Looks like today's
your lucky day.

I know who you are.
See? He knows who I am.
Oh, yeah.
You're the guy
that's leaving here tonight

in the trunk of my car.
Let me guess.
Fat Charlie, right?

That's right, moron.
Now, listen to me.
Nobody accuses my joint
of cheating, you got that?

Yeah, well... I do.
And I got the pictures
to prove it.

See for yourself.
There ain't no pictures here.
Charles Lazaro,
you're hereby served to appear

as a witness in the racketeering
trial of Freddie Marcuso.

What are you?
Some kind of a wacko?
Serving me papers
in my own joint?

Rip his jugular vein out.
Okay, Lieutenant.
If I'm not out
in 60 seconds

send in your boys.
Okay, Joe. Roger that.
It's a pleasure serving you.
And, you!
- Eat something.
- What?

You don't fit in.
Nice work, kiddo.
