Serving Sara

Hey, I have a proposition
for you.

You tear up the papers on me
and I'll hire you
to serve my husband.

I'll pay you twice
what you're getting now.

Look, here's
what you don't understand.

I've already told them
that I served you, okay?

So if I flip it
and tag your husband

my reputation will be shot.
I'll never work again.
I'll give you ten percent
of my divorce settlement.

We own a cattle ranch.
It's worth $20 million.
$20 million?
Ten percent of half?
You're willing to pay me
a million dollars.

Well, that still leaves
nine for me

versus next to nothing.
It's kind of a no-brainer.
You're really serious?
I think we should draw up
a contract.

Let's see...
Won't be needing this.
One... million...
Great, let's go.

Thanks a lot.
Miami Marriott.
If anybody calls
for Ms. Sara Moore

tell them she's relocated
to one of your hotels
in Bangor, Maine.

Bangor, Maine.
That's right, Bangor, Maine.
That's where she'll be.
I thought we were going
to Dallas.

We are. Just playing
a little game of hide-and-seek.

Now break out your credit cards.
We got tickets to buy.
Well, I'm packin' up my game,
and I'm a-head out West

Where real women come equipped
With scripts and fake breasts
I'm Kid Rock,
and I'm the real McCoy

And I'm headin' out West, sucker
Because I wanna be a cowboy,
