Serving Sara

I'm just getting the brake off.
You're aware of my current
personal situation

As much as you told me...
yes, sir.
See, I got my tail
in a crack here.
And I want you to do
whatever you need to do

to keep this lowlife server
away from me, okay?

Now, my overpaid lawyer
here will fill you in

on his description
and whereabouts.

Now, he's with my wife.
So let's not let
anything happen to her.

But, now, that guy?
Oh, well...
I could give a rat's ass.
Oh, I'll take care of it, sir.
Got Tony on line two.
He says there's a problem.
No kidding.
Where the hell are you?
I'm in Maine.
What the hell
you doing in Maine?

I'm freezing my balls off,
that's what.

The bitch is in Dallas,
you idiot.

I think Joe set me up.
Oh, there's a news flash.
Look, he's down there with her
trying to serve her husband.
He flipped on us.
He flipped his mark.
Now you go stick your balls
in a cup of hot cocoa.

Click your heels three times,

and get down to Dallas.
You nail her first
or we are done, it's over.
You understand?
You know, I need to call
Miss Cleo.

Psychics, psychics...
is that "P" or "S"?

Let me guess...
employees of the month?

Ha, ha.
So I just... I just don't know.
What's normal anymore?
Hi, Doris.
What's going on?
