Serving Sara

Well, at least
those two are happy.

Oh, please. That has "affair"
written all over it.

Why do you say that?
Who makes out
with their wife?

See, ring...
no ring.
I bet Gordon's having an affair.
You think?
You know what, I really do.
Um, I'm sorry, miss,
but my computer shows

that your credit card's
been, um, canceled.

Gordon virus.
Goddamn it!
No. No, no, no.
Look, I know he wants
to divorce me

but, believe me, he would not
want me to be penniless.

Um, excuse me, could
you try this card?

Honey, if he
canceled that card

he canceled all the cards.
Excuse me, one second.
No, uh...
Denise... hi.
It's not...
Oh, no.
I just landed.
I'll take care of business...
Hey, fatboy,
you need to watch where...

Uh, these tickets
say, uh, "Durango."
Uh, we need,
we need to go to Amarillo.

It's going to take me
another minute.

Hey, Joe.
What a nice surprise.
Oh, nice look,
Don Ho.

So racking up
those frequent flyer miles?
Yeah, thanks for the world tour,
ass wipe.

Well, you've been
tipping off my marks

for about a month, so I figured
it was payback time.
You figured that out, huh?
Yeah, using my brain and all.
Yeah, well, the way I see it
all those jobs were mine
before you came along.

So I was just taking back
what already belonged to me.
