Serving Sara

I ain't cleaning it up.
Excuse me, cowboy.
Miss, I'm looking for my friend.
You know, the guy
I was talking to before.

You mean that guy who
threw the dog at you?

Yeah, what a kidder,
always playing jokes.

Can you tell me
where he's going?

- Amarillo.
- Amarillo?

Amarillo, yeah.
But our last flight just left

and he didn't get his tickets.
This his wallet?
I'll make sure he gets it back.
Oh, no. Sir...
What the hell is in Amarillo?
The Pepsi Monster Smash
comes to Dallas

this Friday, Friday, Friday!
And two shows Saturday
at the Union Arena.

See Cyclops thrash...
Baby, I was down for the count
Swimmin' around,
about to drown...

I think we should find
a hotel.

What? We're making great time.
You said we're like
three hours away.

All I know is,
is that if you sneak

onto a cattle ranch
in the middle of the night

two things are
guaranteed to happen:

one, you're going
to tread in cow shit;

and two, you're going
to get shot.

So, you want to get a hotel?
I'm living proof
I can't forget your face

It's not impossible...
Come and get 'em, Joe.
