Serving Sara

Boy, am I glad to see you two.
Of course he is.
Follow me.
Well, you sure made it
fast enough.

Now, we're just having
the damnedest old time

milking that old boy today.
Well, that's the problem.
See, if you want
to get the milk

you need to use a girl cow.
Uh, you are the vet, right?
Yes, I am the vet.
And I'm the vet's nurse.
Um, it's casual Friday.
Well, Tornado over there,
he's normally

our feistiest bull.
Good for at least
a quart a week.

But today, hell, we can't
even get his pump primed.

Uh, would you all
excuse me please?

I need to talk with my...
Excuse me.
Tell me they are
not talking about

what I think they're
talking about.

What do you think
they're talking about?

an impotent bull.

Ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding!

So what do you think, Doc?
Well, you know what,
we just got a page

uh, telling us that a sheep
has fallen into a lake

and is shrinking
at an amazing rate.

Just getting
smaller and smaller.

Go look over there.
Yes, sir.
You better find somebody
or it's your ass.

How small can
a sheep get, I guess.

So, um, how do you
get things started?

What do you do
to get the bulls...
You know, the regular way.
But we've been trying that
for over an hour.
Poor ol' Mickey, there, can't
even lift his arms up no more.

Well, maybe it's just
a question of inspiration.

I mean, that is
a very attractive rump

but, uh, maybe Tornado
