Sex Is Comedy

to go over my scene.
Later. we'll rehearse.

You leave. too.
But I'm doing
the scene with you!

No! I have a right to be alone!
You respect a writer's need
to be alone! I need it. too!

I'll be in a corner.
in case you need me.

No! Go away!
I don't want a glimpse of you!
There! Leo?
Come in!
Why did you leave?
My boss said: everyone out!
Not you, I need you.
I'm very flattered.
I don't know where to begin.
I'm totally lost.
When I wrote it.
the scene made sense.

Last night, I reread it
and it fell apart.

I reread it 15 times!
Nothing, it meant nothing!
Come here!
You be the girl!
I know what boys do...
They're totally predictable.
The girl's the answer.
So first I have to know what he'll

It's the body movements,
never the words.

Words are lies. bodies are truth.
Now I have to invent the truth.
She's lying on the bed...
