Shakti: The Power

Open the door!
Give my son to me!

"Let her go,
she won't do it again"

"She won't do it again, Dadu.
She won't do it again, I say!"

"I beg at your feet, Dadu!"
Don't do this to me...
I'll do as you say

I'll stay here with Raja.
Please open the door

"Please let her go, Dadu...
I beg of you!"

"If anyone gives her food or water,
I'm going to kill him"

Let me see where she goes
from that dark room

Mother! Listen to me...
please give Raja to me!
Mother! Wait...
I don't want to stay here!
I don't!

I want to go back
"I hate you, Narsimha...
I hate you!"

You can't inflict such atrocities
on a woman!

You're an impotent man!
Do you hear me? You're impotent

Give my son to me...
give my son back to me
