
I've never fallen asleep
driving before...

never since.
Most of the ride home,
there wasn't a car in sight
in either direction.

If I'd have
fallen asleep then,

I would have ended up in
a ditch with a headache.

And it had to be at that
right moment...

that 10, 15 seconds when
I passed her walking.

It was like
it was meant to be.

I guess if this is
the end of the world,

I'm screwed, right?
People who kill
reverends' wives

aren't exactly ushered
to the front of the
line in Heaven.

Wh... Where
are you going, Ray?

To the lake.
The way I see it...
these places marked
in crops and such...

none of them are
really near water.

I don't think they like water.
Can't be any worse than here.
Did you see something, Ray?
I know what I've done to you.
I made you question
your faith.

I'm truly sorry for what
I've done to you and yours.

All right.
And don't open
my pantry, Father.

I found one of them in
there and locked him in.
