
That old barn,
after the fire I rebuilt it nail by nail,

just like your granddaddy
would have wanted.

Why did you put me up here?
This used to be his room.

You ain't afraid of ghosts, are you?
Should I be?
Thought you might want these.
Just so you know, after your mama
took you away, I did write to you.

She sent every one of them back.
I'm not the monster you think I am.
Tell that to the lady
you almost killed with a shovel.

Jesse? Don't pay her no mind,
she's just crazy.

You could have killed her.
I lost my temper and I'm sorry, OK?
Jesse hasn't been right in her mind
since her husband passed away.

Wasn't much right before that, neither.
She was talking about
a harvest of blood.

Old slave superstition.
Sprinkle a little blood on the crops,
get a better harvest.

- Blood?
- Chicken blood.

Don't you worry about Jesse.
You get some sleep.
I'll see you in the morning.

Wonder why a brother's
gotta sleep on the couch?
