Sorority Boys

Mother's ass!
Why do you let them
treat you like this?!

You can't be
a bunch of pussies...

...your whole lives!
I hate this place.
Whoo! PMS!
Hey, Doof...
what do you think of this?

I borrowed it from Leah.

That is pretty.
Wish I could fit
into a size 6, man.

Fuck all!
I can't take this!
Hey, what do you think
of this?

Do you think I'd look good
in this -- like a midriff
and the thing?

No, no. You need
something more that --

you know, something
that accentuates
your curves more.

What the fuck
is going on here?!

What's your problem?
What's my problem?
Where do I fuckin' start?
My bra's rubbing me raw,
I have a fat ass,

and I've twisted my ankle
three times today!

W-Why are you
wearing heels?

We're in college.
No one's wearing heels.

Heels are out, man --
last year. Hello.

Dude, they make my legs
look slimmer.

I have a fat ass.
No, you don't.
Yes, I do!
No, you don't.
Look, relax.
It's gonna be okay.

No, it's not gonna be

Look at this.
Ugh, dude.
Man, that is nasty, dude.

Oh, Jesus.
Uh, what is that?

I don't know.
Oh, my God.
Adina, those are the worst
ingrown hairs I've ever seen.

Any of you girls
have any heavy-flow
maxi pads I could borrow?

I soaked through
an entire box this morning,

and I had to use a whole
roll of toilet paper and --

Um...I used the last one.
