
Something's bothering him.
Maybe he's too embarrased to tell me what it is.

Maybe I'm too embarrased to ask him.
I don't know, I just don't know anymore.
I'm going to the downtown library, I'll see you later.
-Oh, wait Pete! I'll drive you there buddy.
-I'll take the train.

-No I need the exercise. Just go on, go go go.
-Thanks for the ride Uncle Ben.
-Now wait a minute, we need to talk.

-We can talk later.
-We can talk now. If you'll let me.

What do we have to talk about, why now?
Because we haven't talked at all for so long,
your Aunt May and I don't even know who you are any more.

You shirk your chores, you have all
those weird experiments in your room.

-You start fights at school.
-I didn't start that fight, I told you that.

-Well you sure as hell finished it.
-What was I supposed to do, run away?

No, no you're not supposed to run away.
But, Pete look, you're changing. I know, I
went through exactly the same thing at your age.

No, Not exactly.
Peter, these are the years when a man changes
into the man he's going to become the rest of his life.

Just be careful who you change into.
This guy, Flash Thompson, he
probably deserved what happened.

But just because you can beat him
up doesn't give you the right to.

Remember, 'With great power
comes great responsibility'.

Are you afraid that I'm going to turn
into some kind of criminal?

Quit worrying about me ok? Something's
different. I'll figure it out.

Stop lecturing me, please.
-I don't mean to lecture and I don't mean to
preach. And I know I'm not your father--

Then stop pretending to be!
