Spirited Away

Sleeping outside of
your crib again?

Oh, I'm sorry, you were
sleeping like such a good baby

Baba still has work to do
Go back to sleep now
Good baby

Ouch, let go!
Oh, thank you for helping me
But I'm in a hurry
Please let me go

You came here to make me sick
Bad germs outside, bad
I'm a human
Maybe you never saw one before

You'll get sick out there
Stay here and play with me
Are you sick?
I'm in here 'cause
I'll get sick outside

It's staying in here that'll
make you sick!

You see, somebody I really
care about got hurt very badly

So I've got to go right now
Please let go of my arm!
If you go, I'll start crying
If I cry, Baba will come
and kill you

I'll break your little arm
That hurts!
Please, I'll come
play with you later

No. I wanna play now!
That's blood! Get it!
It's blood!
