Star Trek: Nemesis

As you can see, one side
of Remus always faces the sun.

Due to the extreme temperatures on that
half, the Remans Live on the dark side.

Little is known of the Reman home world,
although scans have revealed dilithium
mining and heavy weapons construction.

The Remans themselves are considered
an undesirable caste in the Empire.

They're said to be formidable warriors.
In the Dominion War, Reman troops
were used as assault forces.

- Cannon fodder.
- How did a Reman get to be Praetor?

- I don't get it.
- Romulan collaborators?

- Coup d'état?
- The Praetor's power is their fleet.

They must have been behind Shinzon.
What have we Learned about Shinzon?
Only a part of his military record.
He is young and a capable commander.

He won 1 2 major engagements
in the war.

- Beyond that, we know nothing.
- Well, we're sailing into the unknown.

Keep at it. Give me anything
you can. Dismissed.

I still can't believe the captain
went along with a memory download.

He agrees that the B-4 probably has
the same seIf-actualisation
parameters as myself.

If my memory engrams are successfully
integrated into his positronic matrix,

- he should have All my abilities.
- He'd have All your memories as well.

- You feel comfortable with that?
- I feel nothing, Geordi.

With my memory engrams, he will be
able to be a more compete individual.

- An individual more Like you, you mean?
- Yes.
