Star Trek: Nemesis

The Romulans had gained possession
of your DNA and created me.

And when I was ready,
they were going to replace you with me.

Put a Romulan agent at the heart
of Starfleet. It was a bold plan.

- What happened?
- As happens frequently on Romulus,

a new government came to power
and abandoned the plan.

They were afraid I'd be discovered
and that it would Lead to war.

- Not quite the face you remember.
- Not quite.

A Lifetime of violence will do that.
They broke my nose, my jaw.

But so much is the same. The eyes.
- Surely you recognize the eyes?
- Yes.

Our eyes reflect our Lives, don't they?
And yours are so confident.

- So I'm not as tall as you expected?
- I'd always hoped I might hit two meters.

As had I.
How did you end up on Remus?
They sent me there to die.
How could a mere human survive
the dilithium mines?

Not that it mattered, as I was no Longer
part of their plans against the Federation.

In those terrible depths Lived only the
damned. Along with the Reman slaves,

I was condemned
to unceasing Labor and starvation

under the brutal heel
of the Romulan guards.
