Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Chancellor, if I may comment,
I do not believe...

The situation is that serious?
No, but I do, Senator.
I realize all too well
that additional security...

might be disruptive for you...
but perhaps someone
you're familiar with.

An old friend, like Master Kenobi.
That's possible.
He's just returned
from a border dispute on Ansion.

Do it for me, milady. Please?
The thought of losing you...
is unbearable.
I will have Obi-Wan
report to you immediately, milady.

Thank you, Master Windu.
- You seem a little on edge.
- Not at all.

I haven't felt you this tense since
we fell into that nest of gundarks.

You fell into that nightmare, Master...
and I rescued you, remember?
Oh... yes.
You're sweating. Relax.
Take a deep breath.

I haven't seen her
in ten years, Master.

Obi? Obi!
- Mesa so smilen to seein yousa!
- Good to see you again,Jar Jar.

Senator Padme.
Mesa palos here!
Lookie, lookie, Senator.

Desa Jedi arriven.
It's a great pleasure
to see you again, milady.

It has been far too long,
Master Kenobi.

- My goodness, you've grown.
- So have you.
