Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

We will do exactly
as the council has instructed.

And you will learn
your place, young one.

Perhaps with merely your presence...
the mystery surrounding
this threat will be revealed.

Now, if you'll excuse me...
I will retire.
I know I'll feel better
having you here.

I'll have an offiicer stationed
on every floor...

and I'll be in the control centre

Mesa busten wit happiness
seein yousa again, Ani.

She hardly even
recognized me,Jar Jar.

I've thought about her
every day since we parted and...

she's forgotten me completely.
Shesa happy.
Happier den mesa seein her
in a longo time.

You're focusing on the negative, Anakin.
Be mindful of your thoughts.

She was pleased to see us.
Now, let's check the security.
I hit the ship,
but they used a decoy.

We'll have to try something
more subtle this time, Zam.

My client is getting impatient.
Take these. Be careful.
They're very poisonous.

And, Zam, there can be
no mistakes this time.

Captain Typho has
more than enough men downstairs.

No assassin would try that way.
- Any activity up here?
- Quiet as a tomb.

I don't like just waiting here
for something to happen to her.

- What's going on?
- She covered the cameras.

I don't think she liked me
watching her.

What is she thinking?
She programmed R2 to warn us
if there is an intruder.

There are many other ways
to kill a senator.

I know, but we also want to catch
this assassin, don't we, Master?

You're using her as bait.
It was her idea.
Don't worry.
No harm will come to her.
