Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Remember, Obi-Wan,
if the prophecy is true...

your apprentice is the only one who can
bring the Force back into balance.

I'm taking
an extended leave of absence.

It will be your responsibility
to take my place in the senate.

Representative Binks,
I know I can count on you.

Mesa honoured to be taking on
dissa heavy burden.

Mesa accept this
with muy, muy humility and...

Jar Jar, I don't wish to hold you up.
I'm sure you have
a great deal to do.

Of course.
I do not like this idea of hiding.
Don't worry.
Now that the council
has ordered an investigation...

it won't take Master Obi-Wan long
to fiind this bounty hunter.

I haven't worked for a year
to defeat the Military Creation Act...

to not be here
when its fate is decided.

Sometimes we must
let go of our pride...

and do what is requested of us.
Anakin, you've grown up.
Master Obi-Wan manages
not to see it.

Don't get me wrong.
Obi-Wan is a great mentor.
As wise as Master Yoda and...
as powerful as Master Windu.
I am truly thankful
to be his apprentice.

In some ways...
a lot of ways...

I'm really ahead of him.
I'm ready for the trials...
but he feels that
I'm too unpredictable.

He won't let me move on.
- That must be frustrating.
- It's worse.

He's overly critical.
He never listens.

He doesn't understand.
It's not fair!
All mentors have a way of seeing
more of our faults than we would like.

It's the only way we grow.
