Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Attachment is forbidden.
Possession is forbidden.
Compassion, which I would defiine
as unconditional love...

is central to a Jedi's life.
So you might say that
we are encouraged to love.

You've changed so much.
You haven't changed a bit.
You're exactly the way
I remember you in my dreams.

Reach out.
Sense the Force around you.

Use your feelings you must.
Younglings. Younglings!
A visitor we have.
Hello, Master Obi-Wan.
I'm sorry to disturb you, Master.
What help can I be, Obi-Wan?
I'm looking for a planet
described to me by an old friend.

I trust him, but the systems don't show
on the archive maps.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has.
How embarrassing!
Liam, the shades.
Gather round the map reader.
Clear your minds...
and fiind Obi-Wan's
wayward planet we will.

It ought to be here...
but it isn't.
Gravity is pulling all the stars
in the area towards this spot.

Gravity's silhouette remains...
but the star and all the planets...
disappeared they have.
How can this be?
A thought?
Because someone erased it
from the archive memory.
