Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.
The Padawan is right.
Go to the centre of gravity's pull...
and fiind your planet you will.
The data must have been erased.
But who could empty information from
the archives? Isn't that impossible?

Dangerous and disturbing
this puzzle is.

Only a Jedi
could have erased those fiiles.

But who and why, harder to answer.
Meditate on this I will.
I wasn't the youngest queen
ever elected...

but now that I think back on it,
I'm not sure I was old enough.

I'm not sure I was ready.
The people you served
thought you did a good job.

I heard they even tried
to amend the constitution...

so you could stay in offiice.
I was relieved
when my two terms were up.

But when the queen asked me
to serve as senator...

I couldn't refuse her.
I agree with her.
I think the Republic needs you.

I'm glad that you chose to serve.
If the senate votes to create an army,
it's sure to push us into a civil war.

It's unthinkable!
There hasn't been a full-scale war
since the formation of the Republic.

Do you see any way
through negotiations...
