Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Very impressive.
I'd hoped you would be pleased.
Clones can think creatively.
You will fiind that they are
immensely superior to droids.

We take great pride in our combat
education and training programmes.

This group was created
about fiive years ago.

You mentioned growth acceleration.
Oh, yes, it's essential.
Otherwise, a mature clone
would take a lifetime to grow.

Now we can do it in half the time.
I see.
They are totally obedient...
taking any order without question.
We modifiied their genetic structure...
to make them less independent
than the original host.

And who was the original host?
A bounty hunter called Jango Fett.
And where is this bounty hunter now?
Oh, we keep him here.
Apart from his pay,
which is considerable...

Fett demanded only one thing:
an unaltered clone for himself.
- Curious, isn't it?
- "Unaltered"?

Pure genetic replication.
No tampering with the structure
to make it more docile...

and no growth acceleration.
I should very much like
to meet this Jango Fett.

I would be very happy
to arrange it for you.

Magnifiicent, aren't they?
I don't know.
Sure you do.
You just don't want to tell me.

You gonna use one of your
Jedi mind tricks on me?
