Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

We'd be living a lie...
one we couldn't keep
even if we wanted to.

I couldn't do that.
Could you, Anakin?
Could you live like that?

No. You're right.
It would destroy us.
Tell your council that
the fiirst battalions are ready.

And remind them,
if they need more troops...

it will take more time to grow them.
I won't forget, and thank you.
Thank you.
Scramble code fiive to Coruscant,
care of the old folks' home!

I have successfully made contact
with the prime minister of Kamino.

They are using a bounty hunter named
Jango Fett to create a clone army.

I have a strong feeling
that this bounty hunter...

is the assassin we are looking for.
Do you think these cloners
are involved...

in the plot to assassinate
Senator Amidala?

No, Master.
There appears to be no motive.

Do not assume anything, Obi-Wan.
Clear your mind must be...
if you are to discover
the real villains behind this plot.

Yes, Master.
They say Master Sifo-Dyas placed
an order for a clone army...

at the request of the senate
almost ten years ago.

I was under the impression
he was killed before that.

Did the council ever authorize
the creation of a clone army?

No. Whoever placed that order...
did not have the authorization
of the Jedi Council.

Bring him here.
Question him we will.
