Stuart Little 2

Oh, yes, she is.
Was that your best shot?
Now, let me show you mine.

Don't hurt him, Falcon!
I won't hurt him. The sidewalk will!
Can't we talk this over?
No! Stuart!
Let me go! No, Falcon!
A few days in here should provide you
with an attitude adjustment.

What have I done?
I'll bet something terrible has happened.
The Littles will kill me.

I know, I'll bring home another mouse
in a snazzy outfit...

...teach him to drive a sports car
and pass him off as Stuart.

Who am I kidding?
I have to get up there. But how?

I hope I live to regret this.
Stuart? Yoo-hoo?
Come out, come out wherever you are.
Please don't jump out from behind anything.
Remember, I have a strong stomach
but a very weak heart.

Here, Mousie-Mousie.
Snowbell? Is that you? Is that really you?
-Margalo? Where are you?
-ln the can.

Oh, okay. I'll wait.
No, in the paint can.
