Sunshine State

...while we continue
this investigation.

Tell me that's not an arrowhead.
They say the only bad Indian
is a dead Indian.

Please, back it up.
Archaeologists say the find is
of enormous importance.

The remains, almost definitely
the first Native American inhabitants...

... of Plantation Island.
The site seems to be a well
or cistern of some sort.

We've discovered quite a few
crucifixes amongst the bones.

Based on the forensic examination, I'd
say we're dealing with a mass burial....

-This mean you're out of here?

When you turn over a rock,
you never know what you'll find.

-I've been shut down by fish, birds....
-Never by people?

Not by dead ones.
So where to now?
They're flying me to a site
on Vieques Island. Tomorrow.

Puerto Rico.
So kind of bad timing, huh?
With us?

You have fun down there.
