Tasogare Seibei

that was inexcusable
I went to senior Retainer terauchi
and apologized for you

His Lordship is a generous man
so he did not find fault

Had that been his father, though...
...this would have meant

I never dreamed
it would cause so much trouble

I beg your forgiveness
How old are you now?
I am ten years old
Are you working at
your lessons?

I'm learning needlework
and Confucius

A girl has no need
of the classics

All you need is
to write women's script

too much book learning
and you'll never be a bride

You can go
I am here today
on an important matter

A marriage arrangement
You need a hard-working wife
to escape the misery you are in

A village-headman acquaintance
has an unmarried daughter...

...whom he agrees
to marry to you

He knows you are poor, have two
young daughters and a senile mother

I'm sure you realize that you are
in no position to demand beauty

You need a healthy wife with
big haunches to bear children

Her face is of no concern
so I'll proceed with this
if you don't mind
