The Count of Monte Cristo

Edmond Dantes, you are under arrest by
order of the magistrate of Marseilles.

- Arrest?
- On what charges?

That information is privileged.
Take him.

I demand an explanation.
I demand an explanation!

I'll be back tonight.
Don't worry, Father. This is a mistake.

Well, I must say, Dantes,
you don't have the look of a traitor.

Now, attend me well, Dantes,
for your life may depend on it.

Did you have any personal contact
with Napoleon when you were on Elba?

Elba, yes, I did.
Well, we did.

I was with the Count Mondego's son,
Fernand, almost the entire time.

- Do you know Fernand?
- He's a recent acquaintance, yes.

Oh, there you are.
H-He'll vouch for me.

No doubt, but you said,
"almost the entire time."

Except for when Napoleon...
asked me to deliver a personal letter
to a friend in Marseilles.

Well, Dantes, it is for accepting
that treasonous correspondence...

- What?
- Now, did you deliver the letter?

It's... It's still in my jacket. Here.
- Have you read this?
- No, sir, l-I can't read.

Well, Dantes, this is a letter
to one of Napoleon's agents.

It gives the times and the locations
of the British beach patrols on Elba.

Sir, I swear on my mother's
grave, I had no idea.
