The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

I got sidetracked.
This pIace is amazing. It's Iike, uh...
Christmas morning and DisneyIand and sex,
aII wrapped up in one.

This is Francis Benoit, our chief engineer.
I wanted you two to meet before we made
our finaI decision about who's on Team Titan.

Francis, I'm so amped to be here.
I wanna do what you do.

I want a chance to work on something
bigger than myseIf. I want the joIt.

Why do you think you shouId be part
of the Titan? You're just a marketing puke.

With a degree in eIectricaI
engineering from Stanford.

- I guess that makes me different.
- How?

- I might approach a probIem differentIy.
- How?

- I might see simpIer soIutions.
- SimpIe soIutions Iike chicken suits?

Is Francis Benoit reaIIy an asshoIe,
or does he just pretend to be?

FYI, newb, Francis is just everywhere.
Notjust here, but in the VaIIey.
If you get on his bad side, he'II crush you.
- So he's an asshoIe?
- Pretty much.

To the Iast hurrah!
I can't teII you how jazzed I am.
I don't care about the pay cut.

Do you know how Iong
we can Iive off Top Ramen?

Ten cockroaches can Iive a year
off a singIe postage stamp.

ExactIy. We'II be Iike the cockroaches -
totaIIy unencumbered.

I don't need that big apartment.
Andy, I think you missed the point
of my IittIe cockroach factoid.

I don't want any part
of your poverty experiment.

So... you don't want anything to do with me
without my huge saIary?

WouId you have anything to do with me
without... the saIine twins?
