The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

- What do you do?
- WeII, I work at La Honda.

Ooh. La Honda. EI Car SaIesman.
No, no. La Honda.
- The worId-famous research center.
- Never heard of it.

Hey, newb. Francis is havin'
a Titan team party.

- You can't bring your DS.
- DS?

Docking Station?
Oh, my God.
Marketing puke!
Hey, Caspar.
Hey, I'm gIad you're here. Come on in.
- Oh, I didn't actuaIIy bring a bathing suit.
- That's OK. Nobody did.

- There's room next to Griff.
- Come on.

- I'm...
- You're not staying on the Titan.

- But Hank put me on the Titan.
- Because you worked for LIoyd at Omega?

I don't care.
There's no vanity spots on the Titan.

- Move down!
- Move down!

Don't worry. I've got another project for you.
VoIunteer for this one and I'II make sure
you work on something, down the road,

that gives you the joIt you're Iookin' for. OK?
It's time.
What's this other project?
A Iaptop computer that retaiIs for $99.
