The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

Is that ajoke?
The worId needs a cheap,
portabIe computer, Caspar.

Third WorId schooIchiIdren
wannajoin the information age.

I thought Third WorId
schooIchiIdren wanted... food.

Do this for me and I promise
you'II be part of my next big project.

Titan! Titan! Titan!
It's up to you, Caspar.
You can fiII paiIs... or you can Iight fires.
Now... Iift your arms.
- You're quitting the Titan to do what?!
- The PC-99.

Are you nuts? Did Francis threaten you?
No, no. It seems chaIIenging.
Who do I report to? Who's my team Ieader?

WeII, you're the onIy one on the project.
I guess that makes you team Ieader.

The onIy one?
But this is an important project, right?
Cheap computers, Third WorId kids.

Anything stopping me
from recruiting a team?

No, but there are onIy
a coupIe of unassigneds Ieft.

If you can get them to voIunteer for your
project, go ahead, knock yourseIf out.

I'm Iookin' for SaIman Fard. SaIman?
- Hi. Andy Caspar.
- Yes.

Christ! What have you got, a T1?
It cranks. I've got a brown box that sniffs
out the miIitary's secret fiberoptic pipe.

CIA's got a cIassified fiIe on me.
You want to see?
