The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

So how's Iife at... Le Fonda?
It's not what I expected.
I thought I'd be working on a cutting-edge
project with the greatest brains on the pIanet,

but I've been teamed up with these bunch of...
I don't know. This may be a huge mistake.
WeII, I think you're very brave.
Do go on.
WeII, you gave up a Iot
to pursue an inteIIectuaI ideaI.

I don't know a Iot of peopIe
who wouId have done that.

So big-ups to you.
- ReaIIy? Big-ups?
- Big-ups.

WeII, I've never gotten big-ups.
AII right! Big-ups.

Is this the part of the movie where
we break the sexuaI tension... with a kiss?

This is where I say ''WeIcome to the house.
It's time for you to go.''

No, that's a different movie.
Let's just keep it simpIe for now.
For now.
How's it goin', Caspar?
Uh... good.
I'd say we're, Iike, a nine-iron from the
dance fIoor, then a two-putt to the cup.

Of course, you can't rush genius.
Yeah, that's true. Except here, of course.
You've got about three weeks to deIiver.

Three weeks?!
- But nobody said anything about a deadIine.
- We aII have deadIines, Caspar.
