The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

We're just a few hundred bucks
away from our goaI.

It's time to make the magic happen.
Ride me, cowboy, ride me!
Ride me!
You've got maiI!
Where's Tiny? Tiny! Tiny!
- What did I do?
- The hoIogram. Turn it on. Turn it on.

Ride me, cowboy, ride me!
- BeautifuI.
- You want 15 minutes aIone with her?

SimpIify. Like you said, DarreII,
we get rid of the monitor.

- DarreII was just messin' with ya.
- No. No, no, no.

We make it... a hoIogram.
Ride me, cowboy, ride me!
AII right, aII right. Imagine... an empty desk.
And aII that's on it... is this.
In front of you is a virtuaI desktop
where 3-D icons hover in space
Iike, uh, a shimmering star fieId.

Maybe there's a IittIe
animated paperboy on a bicycIe

grabbing emaiIs out of a pouch
and tossing them up onto my desktop.

- Yeah. Doesn't suck.
- You're good.

I see why you were in marketing.
Can it be done?
No way.
Fine. WeII, I guess it's impossibIe.
Yeah. It's impossibIe.
