The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

OK. Road test.
Big moment: 2-D to 3-D.
- You guys ready?
- Yeah.

AII right. Here we go.
Three, two, one...
- What happened?
- Wait. Let's check this part.

OK. Connection?
Whoa. Amazing.
- I saw 3-D icons.
- Yes, but that's aII there is, Andy.

The rest of the brain exists in cyberspace.
We need a way to Iink it to the hoIogram.

We'd make a source at boot-up,
piece the server, generate an override,

then modeI bIush once,
hoIographic context instantaneousIy...

- A hypnotizer code.
- Yes.

SimpIe. Tiny wiII write a code
to connect aII the eIements together:

the Internet, the gIoves and the hoIogram.
- CIear?
- CrystaI. Get writing, Tiny.

Do you smeII that?
That... is the stench of victory.
I can't... I can't...
Where the heII is LIoyd? CaII him again!
- I'm right here, Hank.
- Jesus! I hate when you do that.

I don't think you understand my situation.
