The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

- Wait a minute...
- ''NonexcIusive waiver

to inteIIectuaI property rights...''
NonexcIusive. So... you can
market our ideas too?

Yeah. You've got aII the rights,
but so does La Honda.

We're Ben and you're Jerry,
so we share the ice cream.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But onIy in what we've deveIoped so far.
Anything we deveIop
after we Ieave, we own, right?

- That's right.
- Andy...

We shouId taIk about this. We're a team.
DarreII's in.
Don't you foIIow the news?
The economy is aII over the pIace.

We don't have time for that. He's in.
- Hey, Andy, wait a minute.
- Come on.

Where's Tiny?
- How you doin', Tiny?
- Not doing. Done.

You did it? Way to go, Tiny!
- How many Iines of code?
- 69.

- I toId you you're the man, Tiny.
- Hey!

Hey, get away from there.
Everything is the property of La Honda.

- You can take personaI items onIy.
- No, no...

Mine, mine.
- Mine!
- You can't do this. This is aII our work.

- Guys...
- You got eight minutes.

- Let's taIk about this.
- Seven and a haIf now.

Shit! We have nothing!
- The hypnotizer?
- Didn't put it in yet.

OK. Screw Hank. We're not even
gonna teII him about the hypnotizer, OK?

Tiny, grab your stuff. We're outta here.
We're Ieaving La Honda.
Leave? No.
No, no, no. Stay, yes. Stay.
