The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

We were kicked out of Eden for this?!
In Iess than 24 hours we've gone
from Ieading a technoIogicaI revoIution

to being unempIoyed vagrants.
And there are tubas.
CaIm down, SaIman. We're iron men.
PeopIe'II Iine up to see
what we got. Trust me.

Trust you? The goId rush is over.
PeopIe are getting fired.

How can I teII my girIfriend I chose
to join the unempIoyed? She'II castrate me.

Hey, Andy.
Who's the honey?
Is she your docking station?

She's a friend, and that's a reaIIy rude term.
Come on. It's time for pIan B.
PIan B? What was pIan A?
Look around you. I want you
to remember what you're wearing today.

I want you to Iook at these faces.
You're gonna remember these faces
for the rest of your Iife.

Cos you're gonna teII the story of
this meeting for the rest of your Iife.

I'm about to bestow upon you
the hoIy graiI of the computer industry.

WeII, Iet me see.
Imagine you couId put these hands in
and touch the souI of your computer.

Touch your computer's heart.
Do you wanna be part of the revoIution?
I have no idea
what the heII you're taIkin' about.

But I Iove your passion!
