The Good Girl

I crave you.
I want to know everything
about you.

Who are you?
I'm just this woman.
I moved to Texas
when I was 11.

My daddy
was in the air force.

I wanna knock your head open
and see what's inside.

I've had so much pain
in my life.

I know you have, too.
I can see it.

Holden gave me two
of his stories to read.

It was more like the story
of what a story would be.

It was about a boy
who was put upon...

whose mother
is cold and selfish

and whose father wanted him
to play football.

Other people didn't get him,
especially girls.

Soon enough,
the boy comes to believe

that no one
can ever really know him.

He starts acting out...
drinking and taking all kinds
of drugs.

At the end,
the boy kills himself

by jumping over a bridge.
The second story
was pretty much the same

as the first...
except, at the end,
the boy kills himself

by drinking a bottle
of bug poison.
