The Grey Zone

And that's all I know.
I'd never seen her before.

- But they have her.
- I said that's all I know.

There's no way they don't.
I know Tsipora. They won't get
a thing out of her.

It doesn't matter.
The point is keep going.

They'll find us like they found her
and until then we get in.

It's hard to guarantee
how much we'll get anymore.

This is a chain.
You find another link.

I just said we did.
We found a stupid link.

So what's the trouble?
You don't walk out
of there everyday.

I do plenty more than that.
This isn't a contest.
Then don't make it one.
I'm prepared for anything, Dina.

- And so am I.
- You should be.

So, is there a problem?
If they find us, what do they
do with the rest of our group?

You're risking your own life.
Why should we risk theirs?
You both act
like we put everyone in here.

I don't make you do anything.
Be like them, both of you.

That isn't
what she's saying.

The whole barracks will be punished.
They'll be before they're killed.

Just like us.
What's the fucking difference
when you're dead anyway?

We made the choice,
they haven't.

I'm not listening
to this anymore.

Make sure these get into the cart.
How many bodies are there?

You see, that's good.
The more bodies the better.
Get it?

I'll just take these two.
Is she right?
Of course she's right.
What have you been thinking
for the past two months?

I just wish I could slap the shit
out of her is all.
