The Grey Zone

Ist ein problem?
Ist ein problem?
Keine Problem.
I feel sorry for the world
if we don't win the war.

It's your position.
Men are tribal.
We'll end that.

There'll be one tribe.
No war.

There've been wars
within your tribe.

Rhoem? The Night
of the Long Knives.

You know a good deal
about Germany.

That, of course,
was a putsch.

What's the difference?
A putsch is not a war.
It's a kind of war.
It's a putsch. If it meant war,
the word would be unnecessary.

Why have two words
for the same thing?

I'm German, you're Hungarian.
I should think I'd be the authority
in this room on the German language.

Of course.
In spite of your obvious

Of course.
There's a rumour around the Number3
Crematorium there'll be a rebellion.

The Number 3?
That would involve the First.
That would involve all 4, originating
with the Poles in Number 3.

What would I know?
They think we're going
to kill them.

Don't you always?
This is the best kommando
we've had.

You let them know that.
