The Hot Chick

Tell me I'm beautiful.
On the inside.
Look, uh...
Jessica has a problem.
She's only gonna make us
wait an hour this time?

What about the class trip to Six Flags?
She took so long in the
bathroom, we all missed the bus.

Our parents had to drive
three hours to pick us up.

I had my period, okay?!
Okay, now that everybody's
up to speed,...

can we start thinking about
how I can get my life back?

Um, that's definitely gonna cost
you a few votes for prom queen.

Come on, you guys, let's get
serious. Stop dicking around.

I've got cheerleading
competition, the prom.

None of my clothes fit.
I think I'm going bald.

And how am I gonna go
to school?

She's right.
Okay... let's think.
What could have caused this?
Maybe it wasn't an accident.
It's gotta be one of the people
who hates Jessica that did this.

What are you talking about?
People don't hate me.
You see, Jess... because you are
so beautiful and perfect...

...certain people might misconstrue...
some of the mean and hurtful
things you say and do to them.

Although the things
you say are funny...

... people tend to focus more on
their own public humiliation and shame.
