The Kid Stays In the Picture

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's your
esoteric bullshit coming out.

Let's face it, Bart.
This genius has made three pictures:

You're a Big Boy Now, some artsy-fartsy
kind of picture, did no business.

Finian's Rainbow, which was a top Broadway
musical. He made it into a disaster.

And now he's got The Rain People out there,
which everyone's rained on.

There's gotta be someone else, come on.
There wasn't.
But then there was another problem.

Coppola didn't wanna do it.
This guy couldn't get
a cartoon made in town.

Yet he didn't wanna make The Godfather.
I gotta give the guy credit.
His convictions were strong.

He didn't want to immortalize the families
that blackened his Italian heritage.

After three long days of discussion with
this guy, Peter's on the horn.

"Coppola will make the picture.
On one condition.

That it's not a film
about organized gangsters."

It's not about organized gangsters?
It ain't a musical, Peter.

I told you the guy's nuts.
"He has an idea, Evans.
It's not bad.

He wants to make it as a family chronicle,
a metaphor for capitalism in America."

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on!
He is nuts. Now get him out of here.

"Bob, I will if you want me to,
but take 10 steps first.

Let's not forget, he's Italian."
I had less than 48 hours
to make the decision.

Sell it, or shake hands with the devil.
Coppola was announced
as The Godfather's maestro.

The shooting of The Godfather
should take several months.

And the picture's scheduled for release
sometime around Christmas, 1971.

So if in the next few months, you see some
old cars dashing around or about New York...

...or see a gentleman taking
another gentleman somewhere...

:44:39 the point of a loaded gun,
don't raise a hue and cry...

...because it's only the filming
of The Godfather.

But then, New Yorkers don't raise
a hue and cry...

...about that sort of thing anyway, do they?
This is Gene Huebert,
Fifth Avenue and 31 st Street.

It was the unveiling
of Francis' cut of The Godfather.

In the theater sat Francis with his quadrille
of assistants, editors and ass-kissers.
