The Laramie Project

And I'm not gonna sit here and say,
''I was just this boId guy, no fear.''

I was scared.
I was very vocaI in this community
when this happened...

:52:13 I thought,
''ShouId we caII the Bishop...

''...and ask him permission to do the vigiI?''
And I was Iike:
''HeII, no, I'm not going to do that.
''His permission doesn't make it correct.''
And I'm not knocking bishops...
...but what is correct is correct.
You think vioIence is
what they did to Matthew?

They did do vioIence to Matthew.
But, you know....
Can I make this personaI?
Yeah. Sure.
Every time you are caIIed a fag...
...or you are caIIed a Iez or....
-Or a dyke.
-Dyke, yeah, dyke.

Do you reaIize that is vioIence?
That is the seed of vioIence.

I wouId resent it immenseIy
if you use anything I said to...

...somehow cuItivate that kind of vioIence.
WeII, thank you, Father, for saying that.
Just deaI with what is true.
You know what is true.
You need to do your best to say it correct.
These peopIe trust us, you know.
They want....

They want everyone to know
that they are not this crime.

And it's more than cIearing laramie's
name, it's cIearing their own, and...

...I don't know that we can do that.
