The Powerpuff Girls

Come, girls, our work is fin--
I mean, time to go.
But, Jojo....
-We haven't seen the gazelles.
-Or the crocodiles.

Or the unicorns. Just one unic--
Excuse me, ma'am.
I think you dropped this.

I thought the zoo kept
all the animals in cages.

Yeah, well, you're welcome, lady.
Don't listen, Bubbles.
That's right, Bubbles, do not listen.
All of you, deafen yourselves
to their heartless words.

They do not know it is their saviors
they are speaking to.

They are unaware your actions will
have helped change their world forever.

Because we have helped the town
and made it a better place.

-You think they'll be surprised?
-Oh, yeah.

Will they still be mad at us
for playing tag?

No, they'll have forgotten
all about that.

Will they love us?
-Would I lie to you?

-I'm so excited!
-We'll show them!

Hey, where's--?
Girls, thank goodness you're okay.
I'm so sorry.
I'm a terrible, terrible parent.

You must hate me for not picking you
up from school, but it's not my fault.

It's this town. They've gone crazy.
It's like they've never seen kids
playing before.

I knew your powers would take some
getting used to. But jail? Lawsuits?
