The Powerpuff Girls

For I, Mojo Jojo, have succeeded...
:42:04 my first, greatest
and most brilliant plan ever.

And I, Mojo Jojo, shall be...
...king of the planet of the apes!
You shall be king? Preposterous.
What? How dare you.
For it is I who is the one
most suited to be ruler.

Those are my clothes.
I, Ojo Tango, shall be simian supreme.
No Ojo. Mojo.
As I unleash the offensive omnipotence
of the oppressive Orango-tank.

-Hold on.
-Oh, no!

-I shall get a grip on the situation.
-You better not.

As I, Rocko Socko,
seize control and rule.

-I, Baboon Kaboom...

...with my Baboom-bot,
will be the bomb.

And if you don't like it...
:42:57 can sniff my Baboom-bot bombs.
That's classy.
Gangway! For we, the Gogo Po-Trol...
...form a chain of command
that will take hold of your world.

I, Hota Wata, am boiling mad,
for you are all wet behind the ears.

So I shall unleash a scalding torrent
to drown you out, for I don't give a--

Watch your mouth.
I, Cha-Ching Cha-Ching,
symbolize chaotic calamity.

We, the Doot Da Doot Da Doo Doos,
shall rain on your parade because...

...we're the spit.
My name is Hacha Chacha
And here is my schpiel

A diabolical plan with lots of appeal
Spreading out bananas far and wide
And fixing up the folks
For a slippery slide

Pretty catchy.
I, Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah, shall create
a sauce of chaos and stir up trouble...

...with a destructive force
known as the tormato.


-I, Killa Drilla.
-I, Bonzo Bango.
