The Producers

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
I've read this play.
I'm reading plays I read this morning.
I can't go on.
It's too much.
Max, let's face it, we'll never find it.
"We'll never find it."
"We'll never find it."
"We'll never find it"?
"Rio by the sea-o
"Bialystock and Leo
"Oh, me-o, Oh, my-o"
Smell it.
See it? Touch it.
- What is it?
- "What is it?"

We've struck gold.
Not fool's gold, but real gold.
The mother lode.
The mother of them all.
Kiss it, kiss it.
You found a flop.
"A flop." That's putting it mildly.
We've found a disaster,
a catastrophe, an outrage!

- A guaranteed-to-close-in-one-night beauty.
- Let's see it.

This is freedom from want forever.
This is a house in the country.

This is a Rolls Royce and a Bentley.
This is wine, women, and song and women.
"Springtime for Hitler".
"A gay romp with Adolf and Eva
at Berchtesgaden."

It's practically a love letter to Hitler.
- This won't run a week.
- A week? Are you kidding?

- This play has got to close on page four.
- Who wrote it?

Who? Read, right there, read.
