The Producers

I mean...
...whom has he really hurt?
Not me.
Not me.
I was...
This man...
No one ever called me Leo before.
I know it's not a big legal point...
...but even in kindergarten,
they used to call me Bloom.

I never sang a song before.
I mean with someone else.
I never sang a song with someone else before.
This man...
This man...
This is a wonderful man.
He made me what I am today.
He did.
And what of the dear ladies?
What would their lives have been
without Max Bialystock?

Max Bialystock...
...who made them feel young...
...and attractive...
...and wanted again?
That's all that I have to say.
Order. Order.
And may I humbly add, your honor,
that we've learned our lesson...

...and that we'll never do it again.
