The Quiet American

Then he saw Phuong.
I should have realised how saving
a country and saving a woman

could be the same thing
to someone like Pyle.

We've got to contain communism.
What could be done,
what should be done,

what he thought, what he'd read.
He made me remember there was a time
when I had wanted to make a difference.
- To watch liberty snuffed out?
- "Liberty" is a western word.

How do you define it
for the Vietnamese?

The freedom to choose.
OK, you give them that,
they vote and they elect Ho Chi Minh.

Things are more complicated
than they seem.

- What was that?
- A grenade.

- It sounded like a car backfiring.
- A week here, you'll know the difference.

It's been a genuine pleasure meeting you.
- Maybe we could eat dinner.
- I look forward to it.

Good morning.
Morning, Hinh. Anything new?
Oh, corruption, mendacity...
I said new.
There is a rumour
that the communists

are planning an attack
in the north, at Phat Diem.

One of your contacts?
Yes, sir.
And a telegram.
- From the London office.
- Mr Stemins.

He says the paper has conducted
a review of the foreign desk.

He wants you based in London.
I thought you liked London, sir.
I do, but I like it just where it is.
I don't want to bloody go there.

For what? A desk job?
They probably think it's cheaper
to let the wire services cover Vietnam.
How many stories
have we given them?

This year?
- Yes.
- Three.

Oh, shit.
