The Salton Sea

L.A. Sheriff's Department.
May I direct your call?

C.I. number DJ6T5KF55.
-Who's your contact?
-Morgan and Garcetti.

-Yo. Got a hot one.

You go, my little tweeker friend.
I don't wanna have
this conversation in Crankville.

This the guy?
It speaks, yeah.
-Bobby, hobby, lobby.

Bobby Ocean.
Cut to the chase.
What's he holding?

He's a tweeker. Definitely
gets high on his own supply.

What the fuck is he holding?
Definitely a dealer.
-I am the Ocean.
-Couple pounds, maybe more.

Mossberg pump on the floor.
Cheap-ass MAC-12, fully loaded,
safety off. And some knives.

-Any company?
-Yeah, there's a Mrs. Ocean.

Probably won't give you trouble,
but could be a black belt.

She was occupied at the time.
Nice job, dog.
Let's take him down.

All right.
-And there was a kid.
-A kid?

-You sure?
-Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Goddamn, you are
one observant tweeker.

Thank you.
Learned from the best.

And he likes to use the spear gun too,
so do be careful.

-I'm touched.
-Fuck you, I'm worried about the kid.

Why didn't you do something?
Want me to do your paperwork?
Know why you didn't do anything?
