The Salton Sea

How about 14,000 a kilo?
I only deal in U.S. pounds.
None of that faggot metric crap.

That's around 40 pounds for...
...6000 a pound.
We got a deal.
Anything for a dear friend.
40 pounds at 6000 a pound.
If you say so.
I don't mean to be rude but I don't
think you're taking me seriously.

It's you who's not taking me serious.
I'm just here to do a deal.
I welcomed you here
with open arms. I did.

You're sitting here like some used
car salesman trying to lowball me.

I'm not.
I'll tell you about the last guy
who tried to jam me up.

-I'm not.
-I love this goddamn story.

This dude shorted me $11 . Thought I
wouldn't count it before I went home.

He was wrong.
You know what I did?
I put his head in a vise.
He's screaming.
You should have heard it.

I cut this guy's skull open
with a hacksaw.

I was staring at this boy's brain.
I was thinking,
he doesn't need this thing.

Anyone stupid enough
to try to jam me up...

...must not have much use
for his brain.

So I took it.
I did. I keep it in the freezer.
Every once in a while,
I cut off a slice...
