The Salton Sea

This dude makes the deliveries
on the nose every Friday at 4 p.m.

Alpha team will be in the elevator.
That's Danny and Creeper.

We'll have night-vision goggles,
police scanner and two-way radios.

It'll be badass!
Number Two team will be by the stairs.

-That's me and Jimmy.
-Wait a second!

-What about me?
-No chicks.

-No chicks.

No chicks?
-Got a driver's license?

-Anyone else have one?

So you can be the getaway chick.
Or you can be my fluffer.

The Alpha team will follow the courier
out from the elevator.

Kujo moving.
Number Two team will cut the courier
off before he even gets to the lab.

Facing superior numbers
and high-tech weapons...

...the courier will have to comply
with our demands.

-Get off it!
-Let go of the sample!

You Outbreak-Iooking motherfucker!
Come on, drop it! Get up!

Here's the beautiful part:
the getaway.

Both teams will rappel
down the center of the staircase.

Change clothes. Walk out the door
like nothing happened.

I'm okay!
Oh, fuck.
