The Salton Sea

Who's on the other end?
Pooh-Bear is his nickname.
I don't know his name.

He's a cook and a dealer in Palmdale.
I'll just do whatever you want. I'll
call the dude, tell him it's over.

Wrong, pal.
You're gonna roll over
on these guys.

-You don't have a choice.

We can go fed on your ass right now.
Ongoing criminal conspiracy.

Intent to buy and distribute
250 G's worth of crank.

-What's the mandatory on that?
-Ten years minimum.

And believe me, word will go out that
you rolled over and snitched.

And that's not good in prison, dog.
That's not good at all.

Holland Dale Monty, a.k.a. Pooh-Bear.
Served five years for beating a pimp
to death with a wheelchair.

-That sounds right.
-Here's the scoop.

Pooh-Bear scores dope
by ripping off other slingers.

See how lucky you are?
What's to stop him from doing me
as soon as I get in the room?

-We're coordinating with Palmdale P.D.
-That makes me feel good.

No need to worry.
Do everything by the book.
Pooh-Bear goes down, nobody gets hurt.

What about the other thing?
